Media Role Models and Your Daughter

Dads Want to Know Tags: , , , ,

Anyone who is the father of a daughter knows that encouraging her self-esteem and sense of self-worth is paramount. As she grows older, your daughter will look to a number of sources for information about the world around her. While your role as her dad makes you one of the most influential people in her life, friends, teachers, relatives and athletic…


Is Your Kid a Public Menace? Dealing With Difficult Kids in Public

Dads Want to Know Tags:

If you have high-strung kids like me, then you have become at least slightly acquainted with the inevitable scenes that they can cause in public or at family events. Many parents hardly ever venture outside their homes for fear of meltdowns and tantrums and the embarrassment of having to discipline or deal with them in public. If you fear going…


Networks: Virtual Support for Real Dad Issues

Development Tags: , , , , ,

According to the latest studies, more Canadian dads are choosing to be stay-at-home dads (SAHDs), and modern fathers are spending substantially more time with their kids, becoming more involved in their activities and development–stuff that a decade ago was more “Mom stuff”. Being a dad is a big responsibility with huge rewards, and just like any other big responsibility, the…
