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I am a 30-something father of four lovable heathens, avid gamer, technophile, science geek, caveman, and grill addict. Sometimes I have funny stuff to say so I write it down, and I'm lucky enough to make my living doing it.

Is Your Kid a Public Menace? Dealing With Difficult Kids in Public

Dads Want to Know Tags:

If you have high-strung kids like me, then you have become at least slightly acquainted with the inevitable scenes that they can cause in public or at family events. Many parents hardly ever venture outside their homes for fear of meltdowns and tantrums and the embarrassment of having to discipline or deal with them in public. If you fear going…


Networks: Virtual Support for Real Dad Issues

Development Tags: , , , , ,

According to the latest studies, more Canadian dads are choosing to be stay-at-home dads (SAHDs), and modern fathers are spending substantially more time with their kids, becoming more involved in their activities and development–stuff that a decade ago was more “Mom stuff”. Being a dad is a big responsibility with huge rewards, and just like any other big responsibility, the…


It’s Not All in Your Head: Male Pregnancy Symptoms are Real

Physical Stuff Tags: , , ,

We’ve all heard the stories; most of us have actually experienced it: “sympathy pains,” or other symptoms in common with your partner’s during her pregnancy. I know I did. I got nauseated, had mood swings right along with her, even gained a few pounds. Of course, she wasn’t terribly sympathetic to my sympathy pains… Most guys seem to feel a…


Looking Your Best: the Best Male Grooming Products

Featured-1, Stuff for you, The Gadgets Tags: , , ,

Sure, a scruffy chin and grimy hands evoke images of a hard-working, no-nonsense, “Man’s Man,” but we all know that the ladies like us best when we’re clean and smell good. This isn’t about being “metrosexual,” no man-purses or male makeup here; this is about looking your best and feeling your best, and that takes the best male grooming products.


Never Fear, Guys: Soy is All Right…and Healthy for Men

Dads Want to Know, Featured-1, Fitness for You, Health and Nutrition, Ready or Not, Sporting Life Tags: , , , , , ,

There is controversy regarding soy protein for men. It seems soy protein contains compounds that are estrogen-like, and many men are reluctant to eat a lot of soy because of this. Resent research may put some of these fears to rest, so don’t rule out this great source of protein just yet.
