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I am a 30-something father of four lovable heathens, avid gamer, technophile, science geek, caveman, and grill addict. Sometimes I have funny stuff to say so I write it down, and I'm lucky enough to make my living doing it.

Why Dad Parenting Styles Work

Bonding, Featured-1 Tags: , , ,

I’ve always been the “fun dad,” and I find that my fellow fathers often fall under that heading, too. Everyone knows that dads have a different parenting style than moms do: we tend to be more rough-and-tumble, messier, more impulse, less “rule”-driven. These differences can sometimes mean head-butting with mom–sometimes they think we take things too far, or not seriously…


Tips for Success for Blended Families

Dads Want to Know Tags: , , ,

The statistics for marriage aren’t terribly encouraging–the average rate of marriages ending in divorce is sitting at around 50%. But what about subsequent relationships? Well, those have an even higher rate of failure: 60% of marriages, especially those that blend families from previous relationships, end in divorce. We all know that it is hard to put together two sets of…


Best Summertime Outdoor Toys

Featured Find Tags: , , , ,

Ah, summer. That hot, heady season that evokes memories of playing outdoors, barbecues, and lazy days of no school, driving your parents crazy. Even in this age of technology and digital everything, summertime is the time to be outside, and with these best summertime outdoor toys, you can be sure that your kids will leave the iPad and computer behind…at…
