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I am a 30-something father of four lovable heathens, avid gamer, technophile, science geek, caveman, and grill addict. Sometimes I have funny stuff to say so I write it down, and I'm lucky enough to make my living doing it.

How Not to Change a Diaper

Diapering, How To Tags: , ,

All right, dads, you haven’t earned your father stripes until you’ve gotten in the trenches and gotten dirty. Yeah, I mean really dirty. No! You say. Yes, say I. You’re not officially in the dad club until you’ve changed your fair share of diapers. Sorry, it’s a dirty job, but someone’s gotta do it—and no, that someone isn’t always your…


Keeping Your Sanity When Your Pregnant Wife Loses Hers

Her Body in Pregnancy Tags: , ,

It makes sense to me that my kids are nuts. After all, the first nine months of their lives were spent within the womb of a woman who was certifiable, temporarily at least. Not that she was special in that regard—I am convinced that pregnancy causes temporary insanity. Heck, maybe even not so temporary insanity, when you consider that many…
