Browsing Date

September 2011

Bearfoot Bistro, Whistler

Homepage Date Night, Playtime

It’s rare that I go to a bar and don’t quite understand what’s going on.  (Hold the comments, please).  In Whistler’s swanky Bearfoot Bistro, I saw a bar made of ice with what I thought were tealights in the ice, a group of people in white parkas and Russian fur hats in a private room, and read great quotes on…


Avocado Banada Rice Mash

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he mild flavours and creamy textures of avocado and banana team up in this simple mash that is sweetened with a little applesauce and fortified with cooked rice. Keep in mind that the mash does discolour as the avocado and bananas oxidize but it won’t affect the flavour or nutritional value.  (And it’s easy.  And you’ll look like a hero.)


Keeping Your Sanity When Your Pregnant Wife Loses Hers

Her Body in Pregnancy Tags: , ,

It makes sense to me that my kids are nuts. After all, the first nine months of their lives were spent within the womb of a woman who was certifiable, temporarily at least. Not that she was special in that regard—I am convinced that pregnancy causes temporary insanity. Heck, maybe even not so temporary insanity, when you consider that many…
