There is an ancient Jewish saying that ‘with each child, the world begins anew’. Jewish mysticism regards an individual’s name as connected to their essential self. Boys are given their Jewish or Hebrew name as part of the Bris Ceremony.  The name given may be Hebrew, Yiddish or a combination of both.  Choosing a Hebrew name for a baby is…
During the first 2 years of a child’s life, most parents feel uncomfortable and inadequate in determining how sick their child is during a cold or other infection. Since the child can’t talk, he can’t help much with the diagnosis. How sick your child looks or acts is much more relevant than the level of fever. Also, a child may…
Embracing Canada’s scene of hip and trendy fashion is Baby Ocean Wear. This one of kind family owned and operated company, was created out of inspiration from their son, Ocean, and is ran by their school aged daughter.
This yummy kid-friendly dessert is sure to be a hit with your wee ones. And the Dairyland fat-free Creama and frozen yogurt add a healthy and Mom-friendly punch.
February is a famous month for love. This quick and easy dessert is sure to make anyone you share it with fall head over heels for you! It’s also a great way to incorporate some fruit into dessert.
With all the cooking baking and eating that has been done in the last month, something quick, delicious and nutritious is a welcome notion. This is, hands down one of the easiest tastiest soups around and can easily be doubled. With its simple ingredients you can share with your little one.