Who knew that a 4 year-old would retain so much from a trip to a, well, a bog.  This was no Shrek-like-slimy place, but a stunning ecosystem full of lessons about nature.  The Burns Bog is the largest domed peat bog on the west coast of North America. It covers an area of about 40 square kilometers and occupies a quarter of Delta, British Columbia.  The skunk cabbage that were just about to bloom are still pointed out on our hikes, and the thrill of sinking in ‘Bog’ quicksand won’t be easily forgotten. Nor will the chats about the 24 species of mammal and 150 bird species including beaver, fox, bears and sap suckers that make the bog their home.  Kate Biancnin, our well-informed guide, showed the kids a tractor that had sunk in the bog, and taught us how to make ‘Labrador Tea’ out of plants.  We learned that bog water is one of the purist types of liquid on earth and explorers used to take it with them on their ships to ward off dehydration, knowing it was so clean.  And of the fallen trees?  It means that the bog is healthy and happy.  If trees fall, the bog is doing its job by being a moist and perfect habitat.  Oh, and if your kids are a bit older and like gruesome things?  Ask about Bog Mummies.  Cool.

