We’ve all been there: you’re tired, frustrated, busy, maybe hungry…and the kids just. Won’t. Stop. Whether it’s sibling bickering, demands for things or attention, or putting out fires (literally or figuratively), being a parent is not always a fun job, and sometimes we say the wrong things in the heat of the moment. Although it’s never going to be possible…
Research has shown that dads are much more likely to engage in active physical play with their preschoolers than mums. Physical activity not only helps children develop self- confidence and a healthy body image, but also directly links with brain development. Dads play an important role in combating childhood obesity.
I’ve always been the “fun dad,” and I find that my fellow fathers often fall under that heading, too. Everyone knows that dads have a different parenting style than moms do: we tend to be more rough-and-tumble, messier, more impulse, less “rule”-driven. These differences can sometimes mean head-butting with mom–sometimes they think we take things too far, or not seriously…