Browsing Date

September 2010

Purex 3 in 1

Featured Finds, Home Page Feat Find Tags: , ,

At times, you need efficiency and a good detergent that will get the grass stains right out.  These are pretty cool.  Each 3 in 1 sheet has detergent, fabric softener  and stain remover embedded in the cloth, and you just throw one in with the wash (at any temperature) and walk away.  Transfer the while kit and kaboodle to the…


Burns Bog

Playtime Tags: , , ,

Who knew that a 4 year-old would retain so much from a trip to a, well, a bog.  This was no Shrek-like-slimy place, but a stunning ecosystem full of lessons about nature.  The Burns Bog is the largest domed peat bog on the west coast of North America. It covers an area of about 40 square kilometers and occupies a…


Daddy-Meal Tips for Beginners

Feeding, Health and Development, Kid's Kitchen

It happens often these days; Dad preparing food as the at-home father while Mom turns the corporate world on its ear. For some this can be daunting. Thankfully, some straightforward Daddy-Meal Tips for Beginners exist. Recalling my own father’s shepherd’s pie — which seemed to incorporate BBQ potato chips on more than one occasion — or the frightening tomato-soup-instead-of-pasta-sauce idea I’ve…
