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The Frog and Toad Series

Homepage Date Night, Tiny Books Tags: , , , ,

The “Frog and Toad” series written and illustrated by Arnold Lobel Arnold Lobel wrote this series of books featuring little stories about kindred spirits Frog and Toad over 30 years ago and they have become award-winning, timeless classics. They are the kind of books you read as a kid and you will read to your children and grandchildren. There are…


Dad of the Month

This is my son Kai Taylor Nunes! He is 9 months old and a hand full…he loves swimming, chasing his soccer ball, climbing anything and everything in site and is especially attracted to anything he can’t have! We are in bliss!


Baby Names: The Complete Names of Shakespeare

Baby Names Tags: , ,

This week in names, we have good ol’ Billy Shakespeare as inspiration. Below you’ll find some very familiar names (Jessica, Julia, Joan), some unfamiliar names (Trinculo, Thurio, Thallard) and names that, well, only a writer could love (Froth, Moth, Dogberry…and Dull). Shakespeare set his plays in England, Scotland, Wales, Spain, France, Italy, Denmark, Greece and Fantasy Land thus there are…


Talk Like a Pirate Day

Day Pass, Physical Stuff, Playtime, Sporting Life

Aarrr.  Ahoy, mateys.  September 19th is ‘Talk Like a Pirate Day’.  As parents, you probably can’t join the barmaid and Orlando Bloom-inspired parties, but you can have a ton of fun with the kids.  Why not have a special treasure hunt?  Dress up in great costumes (why toss those stained jeans when they can be cut off and frayed as…
