Browsing Date

May 2009

Dad of the Month

Name: Karina Wong Birthdate: September 2008 Current Age: 6 months Personality: Karina is a curious baby who loves to smile and play with her toys. She is also very friendly and enjoys playdates with her friends.


Healthy Bedrooms

Bonding, Health and Development, Safety Tags: , , ,

Children of all ages treasure their bedrooms – it’s their refuge, their castle, their playroom, their private spot, whatever they want it to be. And they spend as much time there as they can. But is this space actually healthy for them?  Kids’ rooms seem innocuous – a floor, four walls, a bed, desk, bookshelves and a closet. What’s unhealthy…


Dad of the Month

Please meet Jaelyn Woo.  She is 7 ½ months old and is a very happy baby.  She enjoys playing with her toys and she loves it when Mommy and Daddy sings and dances with her.  Her smiles and laughter melts the heart and brightens up the cloudiest day!
