Whether you are pregnant or have a baby (or a few), this garden will inspire and breathe life into your family routine. There is nothing quite like watching a seed grow or following the cycles of plants as they bloom and fade. VanDusen provides some great family events, and their daily Guided Walking Tours start on April 6th: Daily at…
The daffodils are popping out of the ground, and a young child’s eyes wander to the older kids and their cool bicycles. But who wants training wheels, really, which just say that you’re not a big kid yet? Enter the run bike. Just like it’s more mature version, but without pedals, it allows a toddler to coast and gain a…
Just what we needed – another reason to spend a day in Whistler! Ever in search of soft, trendy PJs, we discovered Hatley. The designs are inspired by natures, and these ‘Trailing a Little Behind’ coveralls are only the tip of the iceberg when it comes to cute baby and kid’s clothing. Located right in the village the Hatley boutique…
Costco offers a box of twelve packs of frozen edamame (soybeans). We throw ours in a frying pan without oil or butter. Simply heat through and spice with salt, pepper, or any herbs and spices your kids desire. Squeezing the beans out is fun for the kids, and it may just buy you enough time to make dinner!
In my ‘20s I traveled for 6 weeks through Europe with one backpack that I carried myself. For our week-long honeymoon, my husband and I took one large suitcase between us. Just over 2 years later, my husband, 11-month-old daughter, and I had an overflowing luggage cart that held 2 large suitcases (overweight), 2 stuffed-to-the-brim carry-ons, and a car seat. …
This month's bundle of joy is Cameron Lau. He will be 9 months old at the end of the month. He is a very happy baby and is determined to melt everyone's heart with his bright big smiles!