Browsing Date

February 2008

Lavish & Lime

How To Tags: , ,

Enjoy browsing boutiques but short on time? Visit Vancouver-based online boutique Lavish & Lime for an exciting collection of slightly unique and always stylish gifts for him, for her and the little ones. Eco-friendly and Canadian products are a priority, but we also carry home accessories, jewelery and toys from Europe and beyond.  Whether its for you or your nearest…


Signs that your baby is breastfeeding well (First three weeks)

Bonding Tags: , , ,

By three or four days of age your baby: Has wet diapers at least 4-5 noticeable times (looks or feels wet) in twenty-four hours (pale and odourless urine) Has at least 2-3 bowel movements in twenty-four hours (colour progressing from brownish to seedy mustard yellow and at least the size of a loonie) Breastfeeds at least eight times in twenty-four…


BC’s 20 Most Popular Names

Baby Names

For all you interested parents, British Columbia creates an annual list of baby names to help identify current trends that may assist you in choosing a name for your baby. These lists are compiled each year from birth registrations, with names given five or more times.  This one was from 2006.  Check back often for updates, and be sure to…
