Secrets of Happy Families

Secrets of Happy Families

Bonding Tags: , , , , ,

The quality of your home and family life is something that makes or breaks your happiness quotient: if your home life is in the pits, it colors everything else you do negatively, and the opposite is true. You see some families that appear genuinely happy, and others…well, not so much. What are the secrets of happy families, and how can…

include dad

The top 15 things a woman can do to include dad once the baby is born

Bonding, Day Pass Tags: , , , , ,

Many men don’t always bond with their children when they’re babies and that’s a shame. Mothers, in most cases, bond because they are with their new babies, at least for the first few weeks and months, 24/7 cleaning, feeding and caring for them. Dad, even if he works at home, can sometimes be left out of the loop. For the…

Dogs and Kids

What You Need to Know About Dogs and Kids

Bonding, Playtime Tags: , , , , , ,

The sayings are endless: “Dog is man’s best friend,” etc. Every kid has clamored for a puppy at some point in time—and some clamor for them constantly. There are many reasons it is good for kids to have dogs…but there are also many reasons why it is not a good idea. Sure, your kids can learn a lot about life…

Gifts for expectant mothers

Great Gift Ideas for Expectant Moms

Dads Want to Know, Her Body in Pregnancy, Physical Stuff Tags: , , , ,

Men aren’t exactly Einsteins in the gift-giving department, at least not for the women in our lives. We tend to stick to the old stereotypes and standbys as far as presents, and sometimes that isn’t the way to go. Especially when the receiver of said gift is pregnant. How do you choose a great gift for an expectant mom?
