Ready or Not

The process from conception, through delivery, to watching your baby grow and develop into a toddler, is an amazing journey that can leave you with many unanswered questions.

No More New Year’s Resolutions 2011

Organization and Finance

I resolve to be less resolute. Does that count? It should. ‘Tis the season for redundant lists with promises ranging from quitting smoking to watching less Oprah to farting less in bed (I got that one from my wife). Why, pray tell? Because we like to take stock at the end of every inevitable year and figure out ways to…


Top Dad Movies of All Time

Education, Playtime

It’s not every day that we see a movie dedicated to fathers. But when we see one, there is an over pouring of emotion. Stories about fathers have very unique qualities. Maybe it is because we often  subscribe to the popular concept of a father who has a very stern facade, who will not show the emotions that we all…
