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World Cup Phrasebook

Sporting Life, Teaching Sports to Your Kids Tags: , , , , , ,

Slang, Music, Fun and Futebol. Could anything be better? Just in time to get excited about the World Cup in Brazil, Alice Rose, Nati Vale and Jadson Cacador have published the  “Party Brazil Phrasebook 2014,” the essential language and culture guide for anyone visiting Brazil during the 2014 World Cup. It’s packed with up-to-date slang phrases, after-hours expressions and insider information on…


High Sierra Golf Experience at The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe

Bonding, Travel Tags: , , , , ,

Golf attracts players for many diverse reasons, from the challenge of the game, to the sheer pleasure of playing. But no matter what draws people to the greens, every golf aficionado can agree that the High Sierra Golf Experience at The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe is the vacation opportunity of the season. Available between May 15 and October 1, 2015, this…
