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kid snack

Making Snacktime Healthier

Feeding, Health and Nutrition, How To, Kid's Kitchen, Ready or Not Tags: , , , ,

We all want to see our kids eating healthy foods. Processed foods just do not give the vitamins and nutrients developing bodies need to produce energy. A rapidly growing body often does better with numerous small meals throughout the day than three squares daily, so encouraging healthy snacking can benefit your shild’s growth and development. Serve Organic Fruits and Vegetables…


Edamame Snack

Bonding, Kid's Kitchen Tags: , ,

Costco offers a box of twelve packs of frozen edamame (soybeans).  We throw ours in a frying pan without oil or butter.  Simply heat through and spice with salt, pepper, or any herbs and spices your kids desire.  Squeezing the beans out is fun for the kids, and it may just buy you enough time to make dinner!
