Tiny Books

UrbanDaddies believes and supports all the benefits of reading to your baby. Aside from the amazing bonding experience, research on infant brain development tells us that babies who are talked to, sung to and read to by their caregivers exhibit language skills greater than those children who received little verbal stimulation. A child’s experience in the first three years of life directly impacts their later development and learning. So, snuggle up, pick up a book and give your child the gift of a lifetime.

Marvin Wanted MORE!!

Physical Stuff, Tiny Books Tags:

Marvin Wanted MORE Marvin is not a happy sheep.  All the other sheep are bigger and can run faster and jump higher than he can. So Marvin decides to eat—and eat and eat until there is nothing left for him to eat except the world itself. But what went in is going to have to come out!  This hilarious book…
